Before you decide to commit a letter or word or phrase, make sure you are completely confident of the meaning of the symbol. Get confirmation from someone that is familiar with the language. Do not just take the word of one authority with something this serious.
Your research should not be too difficult. You could start at the tattoo parlor of your choice. Look through their flash, find your symbol and then make a copy. Go to the internet, possibly a forum and get a human to confirm and possibly a site with a good reputation. If you see the same meaning in multiple areas and sites, you can feel confident you have the correct meaning.
You may have understand that there is often not an exact translation. This is more related to concepts, feelings and emotions - and these are very popular for Kanji choices. Some of the popular ones are love, devotion, and family.
If you are lucky to meet someone who can translate, it would be worth asking their opinion and ask them about the culture and they may possibly give you an idea for a co
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