Not everyone can become a tattoo artist. Raw talent is needed in order to create magnificent art works and execute them perfectly on one’s body. Spiro Kambitsis of Houston Texas definitely has it; his amazing works reflect the love and passion he has for his craft. Check out our interview with him and some of the tattoos he has done.
1) How long have you been a tattoo artist? Why did you decide to become one? Tattooing found me, plain and simple. Once I was offered an apprenticeship, It just felt right to take the path in life less traveled. I never went looking for an apprenticeship as most do these days. Hell, I barely knew what tattooing was back then. I was offered the chance, I took it ran with it, and never looked back. How this all took place is definitely a story in its own.
2) What tattoo designs do you specialize in, if any?
I seek people wanting to get tattoos outside of the norm. I market mainly to people wanting bigger pieces. I tend to render my services to people who want very surrealistic tattoos. I always have loved exaggeration, and exaggerated objects. I think coming from a background like mine, I always looked at things differently. I also am well versed in most forms of work as well.
3) Based on your experience, what are the top 5 commontattoo designs that men and women go for nowadays? What’s the latest tattoo trend?
I think all trends come and go.Trends within tattooing will definitely do that. There are some trends that will never go away, such as, butterfly, heart, star,small names, etc. All though getting tattooed seems like a trend to some people, I think it will always be here, as it has made a very big effect on people. Tattoos are here to stay.
4) What are the top 5 tattoo locations (body parts) that people go for these days?
I think people in general are starting to get everywhere tattooed on the body. Most common are the arm, chest, back, ankle, and hip.
5) Name 3 of your most favorite works and why.
I really do not have any favorites, I just make the work to be interpreted by others. Take it for what you will.
6) Where do you get inspirations for the tattoo artwork that you do?
I mainly pull inspiration from dreams and thoughts. I usually pull them from a dark place within my mind. I usually will get what I call a “vision” for something, and it will literally haunt my mind until I unleash it to the world. I feel my work flows through me, and finally ends up in one form or another. I am attracted to creating subjects that can easily be recognized, but are usually in ironic positions. I like morphing stuff as well. To see the usual in unusual places so to speak. Although I enjoy looking at other tattoo artists work, I tend to not pay too much attention to it, as I do not want to rip off peoples work. I do my own thing.
7) For those interested in your service, where can they contact you.
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